

I hear the question: “What do I pack for the hospital?” so much amongst new moms-to-be! There are many lists out there but sometimes it helps to have a complete, comprehensive check-off list so that’s what you’ll find here. When we had our first, we had planned on a home birth and I kept telling myself to prepare a hospital bag anyhow.Well, I just didn’t, and we had to transfer to the hospital suddenly after a day and a half of hard labor (he was still born several hours after that) which meant we went in totally unprepared. My mom ended up picking up what we needed but it gave me a golden opportunity to write down a list of everything that would have made our stay even easier. That list (plus a couple things for our eldest) is what I used for our second and it was perfect! We went to the hospital fully prepared and it was much more comfortable!We had one rolling bag that had our clothes and toiletries that we took in with us. Once we were settled in our recovery room, my husband brought in the bag of blankets, pillows and snacks and our door wreath. Sometimes the hospital provides blankets and pillows sometimes not, if you take a tour or call the labor and delivery, ask what they provide and see what they are like including what your spouse will be sleeping on to make him more comfortable. You may just prefer bringing your own so you can both sleep more comfortably.Preparation is key, I suggest not putting it off like I did with our first! 


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