This Mother’s Day I was asked to plan our special service and the Lord downloaded this message shortly after that and I felt impressed to share with others because you need to know too, that God sees you.

There are several women in the Bible with great impact and influence on their children and the people in their lives. And many of whom also struggled with feeling unseen and scared or even wondered if they made the right decisions or were doing enough. They were human just like us. And women seem to most
struggle with feeling seen, especially by God. The question that hounds often is “does anybody care enough about me?”
I want to take a brief and closer look at the women who surrounded one particular man in the Bible. His great great great great grandmother was the wife to the very foundation of the Jews. She and her husband were given a promise that seemed impossible to be fulfilled as time went by and through their disappointment and confusion, they stepped in to fulfill the promise by their own hand. Which of course led to more disappointments and confusion and anger. In her older age and with the “promise” being fulfilled (or so they thought) through another woman, the wife began to feel even more confused about who she was and her purpose because she did not bring forth the promise. And she probably felt lost and useless, unseen and without God’s favor. She had lost hope. God had forgotten her, or so it seemed. Til one day, God visited and reaffirmed the promise. After so many years of having these feelings, she laughed. It seemed way too late and ludicrous now. But He saw her. He saw her in the house away from where they sat with her husband and said, “Why does she laugh?” And in that moment, she knew she was seen. And the promise that had taken so long to come forth by God’s hand, was now time. Suddenly, the purpose and hope was once more restored and revived.

Later, her daughter-in-law faced similar struggles. First, she was led her to marry a man she had never met or even knew of all in a day. And for some time, she could bear no children as well. The yearning to have children for her husband to whom was promised ‘he would be a great nation,’ filled her with confusion and great grief. “God, do you see me?” Her husband cried out to the Lord on her behalf, perhaps because she was too broken-hearted to cry anymore. And so, he prayed and God answered. After twenty years of waiting for their promised child, her womb was blessed. But again, she was filled with confusion when the child inside her felt like her body was going through war. She cried out to God again, “What is happening?” God answered her and from her womb were birthed two nations and the weary days of mothering twins, one that was strong willed and another that was manipulative, was enough to probably have driven her mad!
Years later again, her daughter-in-law also struggled with similar feelings because she was married to a man who didn’t love her and his heart was for another, her very own sister. She felt worthless, ugly and alone. Could God see her misery? Did He even care? Did he see her? God did see her, and because of it, He blessed her womb and spoke life and joy again through the many children she bore. And one of her children would be the priestly tribe (the Levites) of the Jewish nation.
Three generations later, a Levite woman marries a Levite and at the height of intense abuse of their people, she gave birth to a son. A son she was told to abort. But two midwives whose faith in Yahweh was stronger than their fear of a tyrannical and evil regime, saved this little baby boy’s life and many others. They helped his mother hide him for as long as they could until it was too dangerous. His mother then did the only thing she had left to do, to release her son fully into God’s hands on the enemy’s resource (the Nile river). But God honored the faith of these women, He saw them enough to tell of their gut-wrenching courage by name. And this baby’s story didn’t end there. His sister kept a close mothering eye on him and when another young lady fell in love with him and adopted him, the sister acted quickly to “find” the baby a wet nurse to help, who of course was his biological mother. The tears of anguish of having to let go of her child she had carried for 9 months and had loved with every ounce of her being, was now turned to tears of joy! And God doubled the joy by using the Enemy’s resources once more to pay her to raise her own son under a government that had told her to abort him. What the Enemy meant for evil, God meant for his good and to position him into the place he could receive training in leading vast numbers of people, being skilled with many languages and so much more than he could have
received if it wasn’t for the evil plot of the enemy that pushed him into the arms of his Egyptian adoptive mother. His adoptive mother loved him enough to do what was best for him and let him stay in his own home until weaned then she trained him in his new home but did not hide or lie about his origin because he knew who his people were and who he was.
Fast forward in time, he marries a woman who is of different culture and religion. But she discerns enough of Yahweh’s calling on his life, and also Yahweh’s laws that could kill him for not being circumcised and thus consecrated to the Lord. So she acted quickly to save his life through circumcising their son and covering him with his son’s blood thus covering him with the covenant he was not yet under. And despite the confusion and chaos they entered into as a family as they journeyed together, she stuck with her husband and trusted in the God that saw her. She probably often questioned if her husband heard Yahweh correctly when all got worse; but, she stayed and supported and kept the family together. And
her name is recorded in the Bible because if it weren’t for her, her husband…now you probably know, Moses, could not have led his people out of slavery. All these women and mothers played a vital role in raising and saving Moses so that he could become the great leader he was destined to be. Did these women struggle, oh yes, but God was the lifter of their head.

God Who Sees video

Perhaps you identify with one of these women.

Sarah who was past her prime and felt purposeless. God had given her a promise at a young age that filled her with excitement and hope til she felt too old and unable to see God’s promise fulfilled. Yet, God showed her that age has no limits in His kingdom and fulfilled His Word to her despite her having already given up on its fulfillment through her.

Rebekah who left everything to go where she knew no one and everything was unfamiliar and different. She was barren and then had a difficult pregnancy and traumatic birth and challenging motherhood. But God saw her!

Jochabed who was faced with an abortion but chose life and gave her child a better chance at living through adoption.
Miriam who mothered others that were not her own because of her deep love and whose gift of praise stirred their people to praise, thanksgiving and honoring Yahweh as she supported her brother’s leadership in ministry.
Or the midwives Shiprah and Puah who risked everything in a tyrannical regime to fight for and preserve life even if it meant losing their own lives.
Or the Egyptian princess (Bithiah), whose heart was moved with compassion. She had a heart ready and open arms and was positioned for that moment. She adopted a child fully as her own even knowing that his heart would be split between two worlds.
Or Zipporah who was married to a man who was questioning who God made him and was out of covenant with Him. But instead of turning him over to God’s wrath, she stood in the gap and paid a price to bring him back into right standing with Yahweh.
Or Hagar, a single mother with nowhere to turn and no hope in sight. Yet she still had enough faith and forgiveness to not shun the God of the man who had to banish her.
Or Ruth who was widowed and surrounded by death and bitterness. Yet she chose to take a step that was unknown to follow her mother-in-law to a place where she didn’t belong. And there she tasted of the House of Bread in a way she never dreamed. And became a part of the lineage of Jesus despite her past life as an outsider.
Or David in the middle of great distress because he was continually hunted only because he was the anointed man for the hour and was seeking to do the right thing.

Or finally Mary Magdalene. Who loves with all her heart, Jesus, her redeemer, and is 100% committed but somewhere along the journey, her expectations were greatly disappointed and her world was shaken at its core. Everything seemed lost and the God she loved and served suddenly is not there, or so she believed. She felt abandoned, confused and in the dark. But Jesus was right there ready to renew her faith and reveal His glory to her in a newer way.
God does see you. He sees you. He sees you.

This past weekend, I went to a Flashpoint Live event that was powerful. But I was a bit disappointed. I had been fasting, praying and taking communion daily all leading up to the event. When it came time for ministry both nights, the prophets I greatly respect and trust that usually give individualized prophetic words didn’t do it. In fact, it was a very generalized sweep over the people. I had hoped my dad would be healed and I’d get answers about things in my life. And there was nothing. I did hear Holy Spirit talking directly to me about those areas, but nothing confirmed through the prophets. So…I was disappointed.

While in the shower the last night, I heard the Lord say “Go back to the church in the morning as you leave.” I asked Him to give me a verse to confirm it was Him not me hearing that. The moment I said it though I felt a rebuke was coming. I crawled in bed hoping for a Scripture in the Bible reading of the day. Instead, I heard “Why do you keep needing a confirmation? You know my voice now.”

The next morning we went to the church. Deep down, I realized I was hoping Kent Christmas was going to come and then stop and talk. But I didn’t know what I was supposed to do so I got out these notes I was giving for Mother’s Day on feeling unseen. As I read, a bird came behind me and began chirping loudly and aggressively. There was no nest near nor any other birds. It flew at me from behind to where I felt the wind and feathers brush my neck. Then it started dive bombing me continually from all directions and it didn’t stop! At one point, it landed about 4 feet in front of me, then after a minute of staring at me it flew straight at me beak to nose before I ducked. “What is your problem?” I told the bird. Then looked up, “God, what are you trying to tell me?”

I moved further away and the bird let me finish my notes before he or she began assaulting me all over again. I mean this bird was intense! It went to the top of the church and then straight as an arrow dove down at me again beak to nose! He kept this up til I finally got up and went back to the car.

When I got in, my dad asked if I got what I came for to which I answered “I have no idea.” While he did a few things on the phone, I sat asking God about what transpired. And slowly began telling my dad, “You know, while I was out there the most bizarre thing was happening….” Then proceeded to tell him about the bird. “What do you think it meant?” My dad asked. “I don’t know yet.” Then, Holy Spirit began to speak as I opened my mouth.

“You keep looking for confirmation from a man or woman of God. You were wanting someone in Flashpoint to single you out in the crowd and say ‘I see you…’ But I’ve been teaching you how to hear My voice. I have confirmed My Words to you over and over. Yet it still isn’t enough. I’ve been right here in front of you, all around you, behind you. Stop looking for My confirmation through a human vessel and just get it from Me alone. I sent a bird to tell you, I AM RIGHT HERE!!!! I SEE YOU! And that is enough. You have to learn to stand on the words I give you to speak without looking around, without hesitation, without second guessing, without needing confirmation. Mistakes will be a part of the training, but they will not be wasted! I still use those. Elijah wanted to be seen and acknowledged and felt alone, but he had to find his confirmation in Me. And I still had hundreds of other prophets that were unknown by the nation, but seen by Me and I know them by name!”

As we drove out, there was a sign as we turned on the interstate that read “Motorcyclists: be safe, be seen” and it was posted nearly every mile.

Then as I told this story to one of my best friends who came for the Mother’s Day service, she asked me what kind of bird it was, I told her it was a common bird I saw a lot but couldn’t think of the name so I looked it up. It was a mockingbird…of course it was. To drive in the point even more, the Lord used new age google answers.

What does it mean when a mockingbird follows you? It means there is a spiritual message to communicate to you.

What does it mean if you see a mockingbird?Mockingbird encounters are typically seen as good omens or having a generally positive message, according to both folklore and modern wisdom. They are viewed as signs from guardian angels, or spirit animals encouraging you to express yourself.

What does a mockingbird mean biblically?Mocking occurs when one does not trust the Spirit.

That last one got me, because I thought what I didn’t trust was myself in hearing God. But He showed me that I also did not trust that He could use my mistakes for His good. And He has placed a calling on me that has honestly scared the mess out of me because I know what it means and the responsibility. So I have found myself not trusting that God can really use me in that way because of my struggle with words and lack of confidence and having looked like a failure to the world in two words I have given (despite the many other correct words). Yet the Lord has told me they were not wrong and I just know in part and prophesy in part and that He will fulfill His Words according to His time table and His way instead of the box or parameters I think they must fit into. (All this is a story for another day.) But the main thing here was that I have to learn to trust God sees and uses me despite my human mistakes and that I can’t look to someone else to help me trust.

So I tell this story to say, God sees you! You don’t need someone else to speak for God that He sees you. God is capable of speaking for Himself, even if He has to send a bird to communicate and get your attention.


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