Letter: Q


Craft Time

Letter Q for quail

Prep: cut out all pieces of construction paper (back paper is green and is 4.5″ x 6″, you can click on the template below to save and print). Make an example for them to follow. Add a feather and google eye!

Q-Tip Painting

Prep: Have containers of washable paint with q-tips in each and paper to paint on. Side note: I had some store credit to Party City a while back and originally got these little containers for a party I was doing. I ended up using something else but instead of returning them I tried it for preschool class and they are seriously the best! I use them ALL the time now!! They work as organizers for sequins and eyes especially since they stack so well, work for paints, little pieces we are using etc. The uses are endless! Also, I keep a pack of wipes on our table during class because you never know when we’ll need them!

Quilt (paper)

Prep: If you have a real quilt, have it available to show. Cut several 2″ squares of various color paper. I had a pretty watercolor scrapbook pack I used. I also used the paper as options for our quarter box back (seen below). Draw a template on some paper. Then either put a strip of double sided tape on each square or let them glue the squares in place. It’s a great challenge for them to line up the squares well too and mix and match their paper to coordinate.

Quarters Box

Prep: I found a couple unfinished wooden scrapbook boxes at Hobby Lobby on sale so I grabbed those and made little ramps (with my dad’s help to angle the pieces and cut the slit since I didn’t have the right tools). The kids got to choose which scrapbook paper they wanted for the back. You can paint the boxes and ramps themselves plus the scrapbook paper backing for added fun and finished look.

Then they each got a bowl of coins and picked out which ones were the quarters and learned that 4 quarters equal $1 and got to drop their coins into the box and watch it roll down the ramp. They had so much fun and my eldest is STILL playing with his quarters box! We will be using this box the next few weeks so we can learn how to earn quarters (responsibility), save/spend quarters and also tithe.


Prep: Mix 2 parts cornstarch to 1 part water until it’s solid-like but runny when picked up. Put it into a narrow vase and find things that can sink like the metal pieces you used for M week (magnets) or the other coins you didn’t use for the quarters, cars etc. Teach them a little about quicksand and then let them drop the pieces into the quicksand and watch it sink. (They loved this experiment!)

After the experiment, the floor is now quicksand! Lay some kitchen towels on the floor for them to hop on and get from place to place without touching the carpet or hard floors.

Quiet Game

Prep: Let the kids choose as many noisy things as they want and on the count of 3 they make all the loud noise until you say “quiet” then they stop. Do this a few times for fun! **You may have to have a popsicle stick glued to a paper plate or cardboard with the word “quiet” written on it in case they can’t here you over the noise!

Story Time

Make Way for Ducklings (get them to help with quacking!)

Queen Esther (Bible story)


If you have never seen a quokka, you need to! It’s the cutest smiling creature! Go click on the link and see the pictures! Today’s snack was a quokka quesadilla, quilt (graham cracker, strawberry cream cheese and cinnamon Life cereal squares) and q-tips (marshmallows and pretzels, you can dip the pretzels in white chocolate…I didn’t have any and we were without A/C so I didn’t want to chance it melting!).


Books or stories with the letter Q

Green construction paper

Brown construction paper

Black construction paper

Yellow construction paper


Google eyes



Washable paint


Containers for paint

Scrapbook paper

Quilt template

Double sided tape (or glue)

Shadow box

“Ramp” wood pieces

Coins (do not leave unattended at any time)

Kitchen towels



Narrow vase

Metal or heavy objects (some light to show difference)

Special offer! Only $5!!

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