Letter: R

This week was a lot of super short, fast activities so I did not do good at all with pictures and missed several! One of the other moms caught a few but still we missed several of our activities! The kids loved each one though!


Craft Time

Letter R for rhino

Prep: cut out all pieces of construction paper (back paper is red for R and is 4.5″ x 6″, you can click on the template below to save and print). Make an example for them to follow. (**template is delayed until tomorrow!)

Rainbow paper

Prep: Cut several pieces of small black construction paper. Fill some dishes with water and have clear fingernail polish ready (the finishing coat did not work so only use polish). When ready, have them dip the paper into the water then put a couple drops of polish onto the top of the water. Pull the paper up to catch the polish then let dry (We let it dry on paper towels while we did other activities). It leaves a pretty rainbow effect and you can move it around to see more colors shimmer.

Rainbow cookies

Prep: Roll some sugar cookie dough out and let them use Alphabet cookie cutters (if you have them) to cut out the letter their name starts with and also an R for the letter of the day. Then let them put rainbow sprinkles on the cookies. Bake and have cooling during other activities so you have it ready at snack time. They loooved doing their own cookies!


Prep: Find some mirrors and let them look in them. Ask what do you see and explain that it is their reflection and what a reflection is.

Rainbow Prism

Prep: Hand them a prism and teach them how to catch the light and create rainbows on the wall. Find the different colors in the rainbow and discuss how the rain (that starts with an R) is like a prism and makes a great big rainbow in the sky.  It’s also a good time to tell them of God’s promise with a rainbow.


Prep: Gather straws then cut out the rockets below for them to color. Then fold over a rectangle just enough to fit a straw through. Fold down the end and tape it towards the front of the rocket. Tape the sides (not too tight that you can’t get the straw through). Stick the straw through and let them blow/blast their rocket away! It works best to barely put the straw into the folded rectangle when blowing.

Rock Art

Prep: Gather sticks and smooth flat rocks, small flat canvas boards (Wal-Mart usually has a 3 pack for a couple dollars) and some pens (preferably thin sharpies which I didn’t have so I just used regular pens). Let their imagination soar and create whatever they want to on their canvas! It was so fun seeing what turned out! My one year old created something that looked so much like a flower, one of the others looked like a sailboat with a captain, my eldest copied my example of the birds on a limb but wanted our names beside it (we are still working on stirring up his imagination), and the other one had an adorable “our family rocks” set as well.  Once they placed everything, I hot glued it down for them and wrote what they wanted, added lines for legs and beaks etc.

Red Light, Green Light

Prep: Pull those red light, green light sticks back out! I am determined to teach them body control haha!! The kids do love this game and this time they got to take turns giving the directions and even added a yellow light into the mix. No, they still haven’t fully grasped the concept of stopping immediately but we are getting somewhere!

Responsibility Chart

Prep: Quarter box time! Here is the chart we used and laminated so they could easily mark off and start over each day. If you would like an editable Publisher file, send me a message and I’ll be happy to send you a copy! Your family can decide how you want to use it for them to earn quarters. We decided that for the ones we listed that these were expected of our kids without pay. However, we have tried everything for potty training and nothing seems to work! So we decided to try something different that if he uses the potty instead of his underwear or pull-up he can earn a quarter. Until we can stretch it out to dry underwear all day for a quarter. And then we’ll find another thing he can earn quarters for once he is totally potty trained. So far it seems to be working! The first day we had to get the concept down. Now he is starting to get more excited about earning his quarters and it’s the second day. So I hope we’ll finally make progress!!

Alrich’s Responsibility chart

Story Time

The Kissing Hand

Ruth (Bible story)


Today’s snack included a robot (applesauce cup, organic apple juice, pretzels with peanut butter for arms to stick, and raisins for feet), rainbow cookies, race car (slice of red apple with toothpicks and grapes for the wheels), raisins, red grapes and apples, raspberries and Annie’s rabbit crackers (not pictured).


Books or stories with the letter R

Red construction paper

Gray construction paper

White construction paper


Google eyes

Black construction paper


Clear fingernail polish


Paper towels

Sugar cookies

Alphabet cookie cutters

Rainbow sprinkles


Prisms (or something that functions like a prism)

Rocket printouts





4×6 thin canvas


Hot glue gun



Red light, green light sticks

Responsibility chart printed out and laminated

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