Letter: S

Another awesome week filled with lots of activities!! This week I also used more purchased kits but found many on sale so be on the lookout!


Craft Time

Letter S for seahorse

Prep: cut out all pieces of construction paper (the paper this week is from scrapbook paper I had left over from Q week but you could use just blue, yellow and orange if you don’t have these), you can click on the template below to save and print. Make an example for them to follow and don’t forget google eyes!

Star Constellations

Prep: Print out some star constellations. I used this one . Have some marshmallows and toothpicks. I let them draw the lines to count and connect the dots first. Then follow the chart to create their constellations with the marshmallows and toothpicks.

Salt painting

Prep: You’ll need some painting paper, glue, salt, liquid watercolors and your droppers.  Mix the liquid watercolors with water in little containers and put droppers in each. Let them create a design on the paper with white glue then sprinkle the salt over it. It’s easiest to do it over a paper plate so you can shake the excess off and pour it back. They can then use the droppers to pick up and release the watercolors onto the salt and see the magic. My son got overly zealous with the colors and kept putting more than he really needed so we had quite a puddle developing at one point! Might help to make a few designs so they can play all they want!

Sun Prints

Prep: You can use either a sun print kit  or some good old fashion paper and glass (the latter just takes longer and preferably more sun).  You’ll also want a UV protector spray. Put a cardboard piece down then the sun paper or regular paper. Have the glass handy (and a pan of water if using the sun print kit). Have them go find something that they want to use like leaves, a key, something that can lay flat under the glass. Place it on the paper, then the glass. If using the sun print kit, follow the instructions. It works really fast and is neat to watch! If using the other way, you’ll need to let it sit out for a bit in direct sun and the paper will brown around the object.  Be sure to spray with UV protectant spray away from the kids quickly so it doesn’t keep turning.

Sand Art

Prep: This one is best to just get a sand art kit but you can often find them for really cheap especially in places that do sales! Here’s one we used.  They loved it! It only had one funnel and since we had multiple kids we made makeshift funnels from paper for the others.


Prep: Here’s another great kit to use! The kids loved making their soap! I also had my own essential oils to pick from and they had fun adding their own fragrances. But especially after when they got the soap home and got to wash their hands with the soap they made! It’s always so wonderful to see how proud they are of making things themselves! I forgot to take pictures while we made it though.

Squirt Bottle/Squirt Gun painting

Prep: Cut some watercolor paper to the desirable size. Mix some liquid watercolor paint with water and add to the squirt guns or squirt bottles. Pin the paper to an easel if you have or a clothesline. Give them the squirt bottles and squirt guns and let them have at it! We also let them squirt each other after since the paint was washable and set out the “sprinkler” and “splash pad” for more “summer” “sun” play! We thought of so many s’s while outside…sit, swim, swim clothes, splash, stomp, shoot, spray, etc!


Prep: Quarter box time! Before reading our story and after snack time we did a little brief explanation of saving and spending with the quarters. You can also use the opportunity to do a “store” and let them “shop” and learn how to spend the quarters or save the quarters to purchase something larger from your store.

Story Time

Baa Baa Black Sheep 

Samuel (Bible story)


Today’s snack included strawberry yogurt, strawberry squirrel sandwich, string cheese, and sun chips.


Books or stories with the letter S

Construction paper


Google eyes



Star constellation print outs

Painting paper


Liquid watercolors


sun print kit

sand art kit

Soap kit


Squirt guns

Squirt bottles

Special offer! Only $5!!

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