Letter: W


Craft Time

Letter W for walrus

Prep: cut out all pieces of construction paper (the back paper is 4×6), you can click on the template below to save and print. Make an example for them to follow and don’t forget google eyes!

Walking Water

Prep: Fill 6 short jars with water and add food coloring. Fold up paper towels in long “bands” the same length. When kids are ready, fold the paper towels over into each cup so they are going out of one jar into the next and around a circle. Do this in the beginning as it may take all day for the water to completely “walk” . Ask the kids what they think will happen and let them check on it periodically.

Washer Windchimes (and whistle)

Prep: Have mini terra cotta pots flipped over on some disposable plates. Grab a bunch of acrylic paint tubes. Cut 4 leather lace strands the same length and tie 4 different size washers. Cut one a little shorter and tie a screw. Let the kids squeeze the paint tube over the pots in a few layers of colors then set out to dry. Create a hole through the top and push the leather lace strands through, put a washer on the top and then tie a not to secure it in place. Make another hanger with leather lace and hot glue it in place.  (It may help to use glue dots or hot glue to secure the leather lace a little more spread out inside the pot.)

Window Art

Prep: Use a 5×7 frame and hot glue the glas corners into the frame to keep it secure. Grab some glitter glue, food coloring, cotton swabs, tooth picks and paintbrushes for varying “textures”. Let the kids squeeze glitter glue all over the frame then place drops of food coloring in different places around the glass. Then swirl and mix the colors with the cotton swabs, tooth picks, paintbrushes etc. Let dry and display in the window!


Prep: Find long grass, leaves, dandelions, various long nature finds (they can gather these). Have a piece of cardboard and some rubber bands. Let them weave the nature findings in between the rubber bands.

Weather Vane

Prep: Cut a square piece of cardstock and a triangle. These they can color. Take a straw and cut slits direclty opposite of each other in insert the cardstock shapes. Stick a pin through the center and into the top of an eraser on a pencil. Finally, use molding clay to secure the pencil to a bowl or terracota plate and write N, S, W, and E.


Prep: All you need is yarn and tape! I used a really thick white yarn I had on hand and just created lines all in our hall then let the kids go through the web. Oh man they had such fun!

Water Blob

Prep: Fold painters plastic (or a thicker plastic preferably) in half and duct tape all the sides leaving a small opening for the hose on one side. Stick the hose in and duct tape seal it up. Turn the water on and let the fun begin once the “blob” is filled!

Story Time

One Snowy Night (for winter)

Jesus Walking on Water


White whale (using yogurt, blueberries, banana and cracker)


Books or stories with the letter W

Construction paper


Google eyes


paper towels

food coloring

5×7 frame

hot glue

glitter glue



cotton swabs

mini terracotta pots

acrylic paints


leather lace





nature long findings


rubber bands






disposable bowl or terracotta plate

moldable clay

plastic sheeting

duct tape

water hose

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