Letter: Z


Craft Time

Letter Z for zebra

Prep: cut out all pieces of construction paper (the back paper is 4×6), you can click on the template below to save and print. Make an example for them to follow and don’t forget google eyes!


Prep: Cut out foam board or cardboard and layout zippers in a z on the board. Hot glue them down but be sure it has enough to zip up and down.


Prep: Tape some washi tape in a zigzag on the floor (the only one I had was a light pink from another project so I colored over it a little more with crayons to show up). Let them run their cars in a zig zag race.

Zigzag painting

Prep: Have some tubes of paint, paper, cookie sheet, tape and marbles. Put a little tape on the back of the paper to secure it lightly to the cookie sheet. If they can, let them make zigzag patterns on the paper with the paint or you can do it and let them pick the colors. Then take a marble and let them zig zag the marble all over by moving the cookie sheet. **Tip: the marbles are pretty cool after, so let them sit out to dry! Two arts in one!

Zookeeper feeding

Prep: Make some fun silly zoo animals with a large open mouth. Tape them to a mason jar. Fill some bowls with rice and add spoons and have a dice. As they roll the dice, that’s how many spoons that animal gets to eat.

Zoo animals

Prep: I had a foam dice ball I found at the Dollar Tree that I drew various zoo animals. As they rolled the dice they got to act like that animal.

Zebra gak

Prep: Simply make a black and white gak separately and let them play! The black gak is clear glue with liquid starch (a little bit of water if needed) and some liquid black watercolor paint. The white is white glue with liquid starch and a little water again.

Story Time

Curious George at the Zoo



Zoo fun! Super simple but fun for counting practice! Print out a zoo cage sheet and have some animal crackers and a dice. As they roll the dice it will tell them how many animal crackers they get and they can count them out.  They also got a banana because George fed the monkeys bananas in the story.


Books or stories with the letter Y

Construction paper



Foam or cardboard

Hot glue

Mason jars

Animal cut outs




Zoo cage print outs

Animal crackers

Liquid starch

Washi tape


Acrylic paint


Cookie Sheet


Foam dice

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