Letter: Y


Craft Time

Letter Y for yak

Prep: cut out all pieces of construction paper (the back paper is 4×6), you can click on the template below to save and print. Make an example for them to follow and don’t forget google eyes!

Yarn Painting (1)

Prep: Cut some watercolor paper and fill cups with liquid watercolor and water. Wind some yarn around a popsicle stick (color coordinating the popsicle stick with the paint color is a plus if you have colored sticks). Then let them dip the yarn string into the paint and they can drag, drop, bounce, slide…the yarn on their paper however they want to create their art!

Yarn Painting (2)

Prep: Cut various colored yarn (yarn with variant colors makes it easiest), paper and fill some cups with glue. Have some tweezers as well to help with pinch skills. Let them create whatever art they want by dipping the yarn into the glue and arranging on the paper. If you want to draw something first on the paper, you can have them “decorate” inside the drawing.

Yarn Painting (3)

Prep: You’ll need a sketch book, thin yarn, and acrylic paints on a plate. Open the sketch book to have a page open on both sides. Dip the yarn into the paint leaving a good long tail without paint. Then pick up and arrange the yarn however you want on the sketch paper but dangling the unpainted part out the bottom of the page. Close the book, press down lightly to keep the book from moving. Then pull the string out quickly. Open the book and repeat as many times as you want with different colors or different pages. Just be sure to tear pages out to dry so they don’t dry closed and seal the book closed on those pages or rip.

Follow the yarn

Prep: I took a roll of yarn and ran it all over the house, under things, over things, crossed over it a couple times and had them follow the yarn (making sure they followed the right strand and not skipping to the cross over strand so they could refine some skills). They loved this activity too! The yarn eventually took them outside to the “yard” to find “yellow” things and play in our yellow sprinkler.

Story Time

Willow Says ‘Yes’


Yak: pineappple, banana, yogurt, grapes and raisins.


Books or stories with the letter Y

Construction paper


Watercolor paper

Liquid watercolor


Popsicle sticks


Sketch pad

Acrylic paint

Thin yarn

Disposable plate




Thick yarn

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