What a fun week of E for experiments! My son kept asking to do these several times throughout the week he had so much fun!


Letter: E

Color: yellow

Shape: rectangle

Number: 5


Craft Time

Letter E for elephant (Prep: cut out all pieces of construction paper (back paper is 4.5″ x 6″, you can click on the template below to save and print). Don’t forget the google eyes! Make an example for them to follow. Place all pieces in a sandwich ziploc bag so they can open and assemble with some glue.) **I accidentally put my example on the black paper instead of yellow and I did not have gray construction paper in the pack I had purchased so just check if you need it in yours or not!

Earth coffee filter (Prep: Put a coffee filter on a disposable plate. Have green and blue markers on the table and a spray water bottle. Let them color all over their coffee filter with the blue and green marker. When finished, they can spritz it with water and watch the colors blend together.) **Once it’s started to dry, don’t spritz it again if you don’t want that extra dark spot. 


Scavenger Hunt: find 5 items that…

  1. start with E
  2. are yellow
  3. are in the shape of a rectangle


Elephant toothpaste (Prep: have a cake pan and put an empty water bottle or a few bottles in the middle. Fill each with 1/2 cup of 6% hydrogen peroxide, a few drops of dish soap, and food coloring. Swirl around a little to mix. When ready, combine 1 tsp of yeast with 2 TBS of warm water in a small cup and mix well. Pour the yeast into the bottles with a funnel but be ready to remove it quickly. Be prepared to do it several times!) **I didn’t know that 6% (you can find it on amazon here) would be difficult to find and that I only had 3%, it’ll work but not as dramatic. Also, they really really liked this experiment and playing in the foam so…like I said, be ready with several bottles!

Egg in a bottle (Prep: boil an egg and have a narrow mouth jar and matches ready. During the demonstration, put the egg first on top and ask them if the egg will fit. Then put the lit match into the bottle and put the egg on top. The goal is to watch the egg get sucked into the bottle.) **I had to make a few attempts since the match was not staying lit when I would try, so just have enough supplies available in case. And you will probably want a few eggs since they wanted to see it a few more times!

Story Time 

Easter story

“Excuse Me”

5 animals jumping on the bed (I used finger puppets to do these now that we are at the number 5 and they loved them! They get to take one when one falls off the bed.)


Elephant head (round jelly sandwich, apple “ears”, banana trunk, grape “eyes”, “eggs” for the water coming out of it’s trunk


Books or stories with the letter E

Yellow construction paper

Gray construction paper

Googly eyes


Ziploc bags

Coffee filters


Water spray bottle

Boiled eggs

Narrow mouth jar


6% hydrogen peroxide

Dish detergent

food coloring

Water bottles

Cake pan


Warm water

Finger puppets

Round jelly sandwich

Apple slices




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