At Patrick’s birthday party, the ball pit became such a hit and big request afterward that we knew we had to somehow incorporate it into our lesson this week and we did!


Letter: H

Color: white

Shape: square

Number: 8


Craft Time

Letter H for horse (Prep: cut out all pieces of construction paper and yarn (back paper and is 4.5″ x 4.5″ this week for our square, you can click on the template below to save and print). I did a red square and black horse for the white to stand out more but also since horses go to sleep in barns. We asked “What’s square and most of the time red that horses sleep in?” and then also for our added “H”, what do horses eat? Hay! Don’t forget the google eyes! Make an example for them to follow. Place all pieces in a sandwich ziploc bag so they can open and assemble with some glue.)

Melted Crayon Art (using hot air) (Prep: art paper pre-cut to the size you’d like to frame. We did 11×14 for some play room decor. Let the kids line up a box of crayons at the top of the their page however they want to mix them up or group by colors. Then tape them down, hang them up and let them help use a blow dryer to melt the colors and watch the art unfold. You can also write on it or get more creative with your designs.)


Hungry, Hungry Hippos (simple yet fun and not much prep other than the game!)


Hot air/cold air balloon (Prep: we revisited week A’s experiment so you can go back to that to see how to do it.)

Hover craft (Prep: Take an old CD, hot glue a detergent lid on with it open. Then blow up a balloon, twist it enough to keep from air seeping out. Then put the balloon mouth over the lid of the detergent. Untwist and let the balloon and CD go to watch it “hover”.)

Story Time 

“Hosanna” (Jesus’ triumphant entry)

The Hat by Jan Brett I had a hedgehog and sock we used too. It has a lot of great “h” words in the story to highlight.

8 animals jumping on the bed (Our finger puppets)


Horse ham sandwich. I used kitchen scissors again to help cut out the bread pieces. A little bit of mayonnaise held the ear in place, blueberries for the eye, and lettuce for the mane.

BONUS: We “hid” things that started with an H inside our ball pit to “hunt” with our “hands”. Of course it was a blast!

Other optional activities include: remote control helicopter, kids hammer project, hop scotch, hide and seek, and let them help clean up for more use of the words that start with “h”.


Books or stories with the letter H

Red construction paper

Black construction paper

White construction paper

Googly eyes

White yarn (optional)


Ziploc bags

White colored pencil

Box of crayons

Art paper

Blow dryer

Empty soda bottle

Hot water

Cold ice water

Food coloring (red and blue for the hot and cold optional)



Dish detergent top


Hot glue gun

Hungry Hungry Hippo game

Ball pit (optional)

H things to find

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