Letter: I

Color: pink

Shape: hexagon

Number: 9


Craft Time

Letter I for iguana (Prep: cut out all pieces of construction paper (back paper is pink for our color of the week and is 4.5″ x 6″, you can click on the template below to save and print). Don’t forget the google eyes! Make an example for them to follow. Place all pieces in a sandwich ziploc bag so they can open and assemble with some glue.

Ice Painting (Prep: fill some cups or ice trays with water, mix in some watercolors, then add popsicle sticks for handles. You can also add a little glitter for added fun. Freeze. Cut out watercolor paper. When ready, find a place outside and release the ice paint from their “trays” and let them have fun creating their own masterpieces! It’s a great activity for warm days and the sun melts the ice beautifully!Also, it’s a great activity for even infants who like to hold things and can sit up. My one year old had so much fun and was excited to be able to do an activity on his own! They would make great crafts for mother’s day cards as well!)

Science/Food Craft

Ice cream in a bag: In quart ziploc bags, put in 1 cup whole milk, 2 TBL sugar, and 1 tsp vanilla then seal.In a gallon ziploc bag, put in about 4 cups ice and 1/4 cup kosher ice. Put the quart of ice cream mix into the gallon bag of ice, seal. Let the kids shake and dance with their bags for 10 minutes. Now, this totally depends on your child! Attention spans vary! I can get my eldest to do it for about 5 minutes than I take over and give him a break. However, when we did it with the other boys, they weren’t quite as willing to stay focused so the moms did all the shaking. But it’s still a great learning experience they can eat!

Optional: igloo building. If making ice cream is probably not going to be the most ideal, you can let them make “igloos” using marshmallows and pretzels for their food craft. The pretzels are to help connect and keep the marshmallows together. It’s also a fun snack to include with their food craft below.

Story Time

“A Bride for Isaac” (Rebekah and Isaac in the Bible)

“I See” by Rachel Isadora (super simple book, you may find another”I”book you may want to use)

9 animals jumping on the bed (finger puppets)




Books or stories with the letter I

Pink construction paper

Green construction paper


Googly eyes

Ziploc bags



Cups (or ice trays)

Popsicle sticks

Art paper

Gallon and quart ziploc bags

Ice cream ingredients (whole milk, vanilla extract, sugar, ice, kosher salt)

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