Letter: J

Color: purple

Number: 10


Craft Time

Letter J for jellyfish

Prep: cut out all pieces of construction paper back paper is light blue and the jellyfish is purple for our color of the week and is 4.5″ x 6″, you can click on the template below to save and print. Cut out 10 pieces of yarn and tape them in place at the top of the J. Place the “head” and then “paint” on clear glue. Sprinkle on the glitter and add the eyes! Make an example for them to follow. Place all pieces in a sandwich ziploc bag so they can open and assemble with some glue.

Jaguar Jungle hunt

Prep: decorate a room with green streamers and blow up palm trees if you can or just make it as “jungle-y” as you can. Print off 10 jaguar pictures  (I just found a few on google) and tape them around the room for them to find. They really enjoyed hunting for these stealthy, sneaky creatures!


I attempted to do an explosive art project that made the paint “jump” but it required far too much patience and wasn’t consistent. I had not had the time to practice before hand, so I highly recommend trying it out before and finding what works best. Later I discovered, using a different paint made a much better result so we may be revisiting this experiment on a different letter day.


Fill empty film canisters about 1/4 full of water based finger paint. Have your art paper ready and on the ground. When ready, drop 1/2 an alka seltzer into the canister, seal with the lid and shake. Place canister lid down on the paper and make sure you stand clear since they will rocket quite high! It leaves a fun round splay of paint on the paper. The goal was to do 10 colors.

**If I get to do this project again to practice soon, I will remember to take pictures and more notes!

Physical Activity

I had also planned on them jumping on some sidewalk chalk on the wet concrete to see the colors mesh together but these three little guys just weren’t interested. Sooooo, we took the jumping to the trampoline instead and let them have fun on there!

Story Time

Joshua and the Battle of Jericho

Jungle Day

10 animals jumping on the bed (finger puppets)


Jelly Jellyfish sandwiches! You can use spaghetti noodles or string cheese for the tentacles. We also had purple jello with jungle cut outs for them to make. They had so much fun!!


Books or stories with the letter J

Light blue construction paper

Purple construction paper


Googly eyes


White or purple yarn

Ziploc bags

Jungle decor (green streamers and palm tree blow ups is enough!)

Jaguar pictures and tape

Film canisters

Art paper

Water based finger paints

Alka seltzers

Sidewalk chalk

Jelly sandwich



String cheese or spaghetti noodles


Jungle cutouts

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