Letter: L


Craft Time

Letter L for lion

Prep: cut out all pieces of construction paper (back paper is white and is 4.5″ x 6″, you can click on the template below to save and print). Don’t forget the google eyes! Make an example for them to follow. Place all pieces in a sandwich ziploc bag so they can open and assemble with some glue.

Lemon Letters

Prep: Fill a measuring cup with lemon juice. Have some paper, q-tips, candle and match ready. Let them write their name with the q-tip dipped in lemon juice. Then (preferably when it has had time to dry), glide it over the lit candle for the letters to appear!

Science Craft

Lava Lamp

Prep: Have clear bottles, vegetable oil, water, food coloring, spoon, and alka seltzer. Fill the clear bottle 3/4 full of oil. Let them mix food coloring into 1/2 cup of water and then pour it into the oil. Once it has time to settle and they’ve had fun watching the interaction. Break up pieces of alka seltzer and let them drop the pieces into the oil as they watch what happens.

Story Time

Llama Llama Red Pajama

Llama Llama Time to Share

Daniel and The Lions Den

Other Activities!


Wednesday is our trash pick up day and it always times perfectly for the 

kids to get to see them come by! We love going out to say hi, give high fives and hear them toot the horn. So this week we wanted to give them lemonade. We let each child help with a different part of making the lemonade, then poured them into cups and had them ready. We also put in some lids and straws to make it easier while they work. (If you are concerned about straws and trash, these are plasticless, biodegradable and totally safe for the environment!)

Father’s Day Gift (Little fingers to show we love our daddys…yeah tiny bit of a stretch)

This one is part 1 with no pictures but we made a simple salt dough (2 cups flour, 1 cup salt, then water until it combines into a playdough consistency). Make little ovals for them to press their fingerprint into. Make a hole at the top. Then bake in the oven for 2 hours at 250 degrees. Next week, we will paint them for the fingerprints to show up better.


Lasagna lion with grape lollipops and lemon jello! I have been using natural jello but it is getting harder to find the brands I like so much so next week I will be trying my hand at homemade jello for even better health benefits! If it goes well, I will share the recipe. As for this lasagna, super super simple!

Boil whole wheat lasagna noodles

Brown ground beef, drain then add Bertoli tomato and basil sauce (or whichever you prefer) and cook for 5 minutes.

Mix together ricotta cheese, parmesan cheese, dried parsley and an egg or two.

Layer it in a muffin pan (I only did one layer for these): noodles, meat sauce, cheese sauce, and top with mozzarella cheese. Bake in the oven at 350 degrees for about 30 minutes. I used the extra ripple from the noodles to make a mane around the lion and raisins for the eyes and nose.


Books or stories with the letter L

Yellow construction paper

Brown construction paper

White construction paper


Googly eyes

Ziploc bags



Meausreing cups

Lemon juice



Clear bottles

Vegetable Oil



Food coloring

Alka Seltzer

Lemon juice



Cups with lids







Lemon jello


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